Turkey slaps the crown prince of Saudi Arabia and publishes new...

The Hornet – Turkey dealt a new blow to Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman on the second anniversary of the assassination of the slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was assassinated and dismembered at his country’s consulate in Istanbul.

On Friday, the official Turkish English-language television (TRT World) broadcast in Turkey, on Friday, exclusive scenes published for the first time, showing that Turkish investigators had found “forensic evidence” proving that the murder of “Jamal Khashoggi” took place inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

This is a development that is being proven for the first time, since Saudi Arabia worked to conceal all criminal evidence despite its admission that the crime had occurred, in order to impede the judicial process.

The footage was shown for the first time since the crime occurred two years ago. The Turkish investigators who entered the consulate building and the consul’s house to search for traces of the crime, about two weeks after its occurrence. As evidence scans and searches appear in all consulate facilities. In addition to the consul’s house. In particular, the large furnace and water well in the house, where it is believed that the body was disposed of permanently.

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For the first time, the scenes prove that the Turkish investigators discovered during the investigation the remains of blood in precise places in the room in which “Khashoggi” was killed and dismembered. Turkish television said that after analyzing the DNA of the traces of this blood, it was proven that it belongs to Khashoggi, which is considered as “the first Definitive forensic evidence “proving the killing of” Khashoggi “inside the consulate.

Despite Saudi Arabia’s admission and Turkey’s assertion of killing and dismembering “Khashoggi” inside the consulate, Riyadh sought with all its capabilities to conceal “forensic evidence” and refused to prove it despite its recognition, in an attempt that investigators and judges said aims to obstruct the judicial course of the case, which requires obtaining criminal evidence Concrete related to crime and the fate of the body.

The scenes prove the massive attempts made by Saudi teams that came specially from Riyadh to Istanbul to hide the traces of the crime and get rid of any forensic evidence in the consulate building and the house of the consul. Where evidence appears of the use of advanced chemicals to clean all corners of the consulate to hide traces of blood. But the Turkish investigators who used advanced techniques. They managed to find residue in some corners that the Saudi teams had not succeeded in cleaning completely.

Turkey embarrass Saudi Arabia

Find also shows Turkish investigators On the clothes worn by the Saudi team, who painted all the walls of the consulate to hide any traces of the crime. Plus the tools used for painting. Stamps were also found under all the carpets in the consulate. Evidence that it was sent to a company to wash it with powders to get rid of any traces on it after the occurrence of the crime

She appears in the new scenes for the first time, too. Details of the consul’s house, especially the huge oven, which concluded an investigation by Al-Jazeera channel that the body had been disposed of by being cremated in it. By igniting it for long hours at a temperature capable of melting iron. It also clearly shows a large water well in which there were suspicions about the possibility that the assassination team disposed of the remains.

Since the crime occurred until today. The Turkish investigations in Turkey revealed all the details related to it. In terms of orders, officials, and perpetrators, their identities, the method of carrying out the operation, entry and exit to the country, and attempts to camouflage. And this was proven through video recordings. But the biggest mystery is still related to the body of “Khashoggi”, which has not yet been announced for any forensic evidence proving its location or method of disposal.

On September 7, the Criminal Court in Riyadh finally retracted the death sentences issued against those convicted of the murder of “Khashoggi,” and it was satisfied with eight imprisonment of periods ranging between 20, 10 and 7 years.

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