People caught without a face mask had to dig graves in...

Villagers caught with no face covering are forced to dig graves and lie in COFFINS, Indonesia.

Residents have been fined for violating rules for wearing masks as the country continues to battle rising coronavirus infections.

Locals were fined for not wearing face masks in Indonesia. One penalty includes lying in an ambulancePhoto credit: Sky News


As a punishment, anti-maskers had to dig graves of Covid-19 victims Photo credit: Sky News

The perpetrators have the option to pay a fine of 150,000 Indonesian rupiahs (£ 7.83) or they must do coronavirus community service.

If they choose the latter, the perpetrators will have to wear a warning jacket with the word “offender” on the back, sign a register and join the culprit in the back of a truck, Sky News reports.

You will then be taken to the place of punishment.

The penalties vary. In Jakarta, some people had to lie in a coffin for a few minutes.

In Gresik, East Java, one group took turns in an ambulance set up for coronavirus patients.


One Affandi villager said, “It was hot and I was scared,” but the punishment taught him a lesson as he would not forget to put his face mask back on.

A local named Elkat had to shovel dirt onto a grave after forgetting to wear his mask while riding a motorcycle.

Rule violations in the western province of Bengkulu were depicted with posters promising to wear masks in the future, reports SBS.

Last month eight people captured without a mask were forced to dig graves in a public cemetery in Nagbetan, East Java.

“Hopefully this can act as a deterrent,” said a local guide named Suyono.

Police in Probolinggo, East Java, forced a number of anti-maskers to sit with a coffin on the back of a hearse. They had to think about their actions and remind them how many people have died from Covid-19.

Sellers were ordered to close their stores for a period of time after they were caught breaking the rules.


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Law Enforcement Coordinator Ugas Irwanto said, “We have ordered vendors to close their stores for a week, confiscate violators’ IDs for three months, and ask some of them to clean the market and open the sewers.”

Evani Jesselyn, who owns a Jakarta cafe, was told she could clean the sewers after being stopped for not wearing a mask in her car, Voa News reports.

In the capital Jakarta, the authorities have placed empty coffins labeled “Covid-19” on the side of the road next to mannequins in Hazmat suits.

Indonesia, a country of 274 million people, has suffered an uninterrupted wave of coronavirus infections since the spring.

Nationwide, the country has reported 382,952 cases, but experts say the real numbers are likely much higher.

Elkat had to shovel dirt onto a grave
Elkat had to shovel dirt onto a gravePhoto credit: Sky News
The penalties are in response to the increasing infection rates in the country
The penalties are in response to the increasing infection rates in the countryPhoto credit: Sky News

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