Nearly 40 children in India drown during Hindu festival

Nearly 40 children in India drown during Hindu festival
Nearly 40 children in India drown during Hindu festival

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Hind Al Soulia - Riyadh - NEW DELHI — At least 46 people, including 37 children and seven women, drowned while celebrating a Hindu religious festival in eastern India, local officials said.

The fatalities were confirmed across 15 districts in the past 24 hours.

A disaster management official said the victims died while ritually bathing in rivers and ponds swollen by recent flooding.

The three-day Jivitputrika festival celebrates children's well-being every year and is also marked with mothers fasting for them.

Officials in Bihar said many people ignored dangerous water levels in rivers while bathing to celebrate the festival.

There are fears that the overall death toll could rise further.

State authorities said families and relatives of the victims will receive compensation.

Deadly accidents have occurred in the past across India during major festivals when huge crowds have gathered in tight spaces with little adherence to safety measures.

In July, at least 121 people were killed in a crush at a religious gathering in the northern Uttar Pradesh state.

In 2018, nearly 60 people were killed after a train rammed into a crowd watching celebrations for Dusshera, a Hindu festival. — BBC

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