Qatar … an Indian who asked to travel to his country,...

In a new case of human rights violation

In a new case of human rights violation in Qatar, an Indian employee working in Doha was surprised by the shocking reaction of his Qatari sponsor when he learned of his desire to travel to visit his family in India, where the sponsor shot him in the face.

According to the “India Today” newspaper, Indian citizen Haider Ali, 35 years old, was shot in the face by his Qatari sponsor in Doha, after he asked Ali to visit his family in the Indian state of Bihar, which borders Nepal.

According to Ali’s brother, the accident occurred at the end of last month, and Ali narrowly escaped death and has been in hospital since the incident.

“My brother was shot at close range by his Qatari sponsor. Our father, his wife and children were really shocked by the news and they were very anxious,” said Haider Ali’s brother Afsar Ali.

And Sky News Arabia quoted the newspaper as saying that Haider Ali’s condition was critical, but it is now stable. His brother indicated that Haider Ali works as a welder in Doha, and he also worked a lot at the home of his Qatari sponsor, whose name was not revealed.

Ali’s family demanded compensation from the Qatari government, especially as he is the main financier for his family in India, but the Qatari government has not responded to their calls so far.

And the Organization for Defense of Democracies in the United States, this year, shed light on the “tragic conditions” of foreign workers in Qatar, referring to the authorities’ role in the deterioration of their conditions and leaving them easy prey for the emerging Corona virus.

The organization’s report revealed that “with the worsening of the new Corona epidemic in Qatar, the poor human rights record in this country has returned to the spotlight,” indicating that Doha has closed the crowded labor camps that house migrant workers.

This left workers with limited options to protect themselves from the deadly virus, especially since Qatar is among the worst countries in terms of the number of cases relative to the population.

Qatar relies heavily on foreign labor, especially in sectors such as construction and services. Foreign workers, who number about two million, make up more than 88 percent of the population and 95 percent of the workforce.

While Qatari citizens enjoy comfortable jobs in the public sector and an average annual income of $ 125,000, foreign workers are subject to tragic conditions, ranging from low or non-wage wages to forced labor and human trafficking.


Qatar … an Indian who asked to travel to his country, and what his sponsor did was shocking
Sabaq electronic newspaper

In a new case of human rights violation in Qatar, an Indian employee working in Doha was surprised by the shocking reaction of his Qatari sponsor when he learned of his desire to travel to visit his family in India, where the sponsor shot him in the face.

According to the “India Today” newspaper, Indian citizen Haider Ali, 35 years old, was shot in the face by his Qatari sponsor in Doha, after he asked Ali to visit his family in the Indian state of Bihar, which borders Nepal.

According to Ali’s brother, the accident occurred at the end of last month, and Ali narrowly escaped death and has been in hospital since the incident.

“My brother was shot at close range by his Qatari sponsor. Our father, his wife and children were really shocked by the news and they were very anxious,” said Haider Ali’s brother Afsar Ali.

And Sky News Arabia quoted the newspaper as saying that Haider Ali’s condition was critical, but it is now stable. His brother indicated that Haider Ali works as a welder in Doha, and he also worked a lot at the home of his Qatari sponsor, whose name was not revealed.

Ali’s family demanded compensation from the Qatari government, especially as he is the main financier for his family in India, but the Qatari government has not responded to their calls so far.

And the Organization for Defense of Democracies in the United States, this year, shed light on the “tragic conditions” of foreign workers in Qatar, referring to the authorities’ role in the deterioration of their conditions and leaving them easy prey for the emerging Corona virus.

The organization’s report revealed that “with the worsening of the new Corona epidemic in Qatar, the poor human rights record in this country has returned to the spotlight,” indicating that Doha has closed the crowded labor camps that house migrant workers.

This left workers with limited options to protect themselves from the deadly virus, especially since Qatar is among the worst countries in terms of the number of cases relative to the population.

Qatar relies heavily on foreign labor, especially in sectors such as construction and services. Foreign workers, who number about two million, make up more than 88 percent of the population and 95 percent of the workforce.

While Qatari citizens enjoy comfortable jobs in the public sector and an average annual income of $ 125,000, foreign workers are subject to tragic conditions, ranging from low or non-wage wages to forced labor and human trafficking.

November 22, 2020 – Rabi` al-Akhir 7, 1442

01:40 AM

In a new case of human rights violation

In a new case of human rights violation in Qatar, an Indian employee working in Doha was surprised by the shocking reaction of his Qatari sponsor when he learned of his desire to travel to visit his family in India, where the sponsor shot him in the face.

According to the “India Today” newspaper, Indian citizen Haider Ali, 35 years old, was shot in the face by his Qatari sponsor in Doha, after he asked Ali to visit his family in the Indian state of Bihar, which borders Nepal.

According to Ali’s brother, the accident occurred at the end of last month, and Ali narrowly escaped death and has been in hospital since the incident.

“My brother was shot at close range by his Qatari sponsor. Our father, his wife and children were really shocked by the news and they were very anxious,” said Haider Ali’s brother Afsar Ali.

And Sky News Arabia quoted the newspaper as saying that Haider Ali’s condition was critical, but it is now stable. His brother indicated that Haider Ali works as a welder in Doha, and he also worked a lot at the home of his Qatari sponsor, whose name was not revealed.

Ali’s family demanded compensation from the Qatari government, especially as he is the main financier for his family in India, but the Qatari government has not responded to their calls so far.

And the Organization for Defense of Democracies in the United States, this year, shed light on the “tragic conditions” of foreign workers in Qatar, referring to the authorities’ role in the deterioration of their conditions and leaving them easy prey for the emerging Corona virus.

The organization’s report revealed that “with the worsening of the new Corona epidemic in Qatar, the poor human rights record in this country has returned to the spotlight,” indicating that Doha has closed the crowded labor camps that house migrant workers.

This left workers with limited options to protect themselves from the deadly virus, especially since Qatar is among the worst countries in terms of the number of cases relative to the population.

Qatar relies heavily on foreign labor, especially in sectors such as construction and services. Foreign workers, who number about two million, make up more than 88 percent of the population and 95 percent of the workforce.

While Qatari citizens enjoy comfortable jobs in the public sector and an average annual income of $ 125,000, foreign workers are subject to tragic conditions, ranging from low or non-wage wages to forced labor and human trafficking.

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