Man beheads teacher in Paris and is killed by police

Man beheads teacher in Paris and is killed by police
Man beheads teacher in Paris and is killed by police

PARIS, 16 OCTOBER (ANSA) – An 18-year-old man from Moscow, whose identity has not yet been revealed, beheaded a professor in the French department of Val-d’Oise, Île-de-France region near Paris, while shouting “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is Great”), the local press reported on Friday (16). The victim allegedly infuriated the students’ parents after showing them cartoons of the prophet Muhammad.

The suspect, who carried a knife, was shot down by Eragny’s authorities. The police even established a security perimeter in the region and specialists in deactivating bombs were called. However, the agents found that the attacker was not carrying explosives.

The crime took place around 5 pm (local time) near a school in Conflans Saint-Honorine. The newspaper “Le Parisien” reports that the victim was a professor of history and geography at the Collège du Bois d’Aulne and in the last classes on freedom of expression he would have shown caricatures of Muhammad to the students.

The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office ordered an investigation into “murder in connection with a terrorist action” and “criminal terrorist conspiracy” to be opened. French Interior Minister of France Gérald Darmanin, currently in Morocco, decided to return immediately to Paris.

France has lived under the terrorist threat since the attacks on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo five years ago. Last September, a man armed with a butcher’s knife left two people injured in front of the publication’s old headquarters after the release of new cartoons by the prophet.

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