Blanca Vizquel, wife of Venezuelan baseball player Omar Vizquel, assured this Wednesday, October 14, that Detroit Tigers forced ex-shortstop to go to domestic violence therapy.
The woman spoke again about the physical and psychological abuse she said she suffered in their relationship, and indicated that he decided it was time to speak publicly so that his case could serve as an example to other people who are involved in domestic violence problems.
“I wear this publicly because I feel a great responsibility with women, men and children who perhaps go through a similar process as the one I went through and am going through. I want to be a mirror for these people and for them to realize that a life can be lived without abuse, ”he said in an interview for Vladimir a la Carta.
He stated that during their almost 12 years of relationship there were many moments of psychological violence that soon turned to physical violence.
“There was a time when I called my neighbor and he in turn called the police. They came in and made a report and saw the physical marks on my body. He was imprisoned for five days in a county jail for that fact, that cannot be invented“, He declared.
He added: “Part of the violence started because Omar has an infidelity problem. His infidelities were very recurrent, and I know that he had this problem with other couples that they were not with him legally ”.
The couple is in divorce proceedings, a process that Blanca Vizquel said has not been easy to deal with.
“Confronting a person with as much power as Omar Vizquel It is difficult because he is someone who manages many resources and people who do things for him“, He expressed.
“A person who has never been violated in his life does not understand why one does not speak and stays in this relationship. I lived alone with him and the fear I felt of talking was too much. I didn’t know how to handle it, I didn’t understand what was happening, “he added.
Omar Vizquel denies domestic violence
The ex-grandeliga broke the silence a week after his still wife accused him of physical abuse, and denied that the reason for the divorce is due to domestic violence issues.
“The divorce came recently. She made the decision. She was the one who decided to leave the house and it was not because of any inconvenience of domestic violence or anything like that. I think there was a different dynamic in the house because of my daughter, who is 13 years old, and she couldn’t handle that situation. I took part for my daughter, to defend her, and that irritated her a lot. I think he was not able to maintain that relationship with her and that was what triggered everything, ”Vizquel revealed to El Pitazo.
On the incident in which the police were involved in 2016, the player said: “It was an accident in which I wanted to enter the room and she had closed the door for me. I needed to get something out of there. I started trying to open it, but she wouldn’t let me. So when I pushed open the door she was on the other side and she leaned back and tripped over the bed. She fell and from then on she called the neighbor, who didn’t know what to do and called the police. The investigation was closed and dismissed a year and a half later, on July 24, 2017. “
He confirmed that he was in therapy for several months, and assured that this helped the couple understand each other a little more.
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