Ottoman war on Saudi Arabia! – Saudi news

Ottoman war on Saudi Arabia! – Saudi news
Ottoman war on Saudi Arabia! – Saudi news

How has Arab dignity transformed from hatred of the foreign colonizer to defending and associating with it, and even calling him again to occupy Arab countries .. Is not a strange paradox, the Arab psyche that has been transformed in less than half a century from opposite to opposite can only be understood in one context, namely All that struggle was nothing but a big lie and cheap propaganda adopted by the Arabs, and let us be more accurate, adopted by some Arab regimes, their media market, and endorsed by the masses.In the fifties, sixties and seventies, poems and songs circulated with great enthusiasm: One Arab nation .. an immortal Arab nation from Bahrain to Tetouan .. Banners and banners were on the streets, homes, clubs and football matches, Ahmed Saeed was from the voice of the Arabs in Cairo reciting to us every evening The travels of Arabism, referring to Riyadh that it is against the historical Arab path, did not see in his insulting speech what the nation’s leaders do in closed and under tables, and neither Baghdad nor Damascus, the Baathists, Beirut, Ramallah, Gaza, and Tripoli Gaddafi were far from adopting Ahmed Saeed’s speeches and propaganda.

Whereas Riyadh used to say in public what it does in secret, and believes that Arabism is an affiliation and not an exclusion, but this was not convincing to the Arab parties and the broad extremist masses that follow them, and it is the same that repeats today what their grandparents and fathers said yesterday in Ramallah, Amman, Baghdad, Beirut … etc. .

The demonstrations took place against Riyadh in the sixties from Beirut, Cairo, Damascus and Baghdad, and today in Jerusalem, Ramallah and Gaza, they adopt only the same insults and insults and one speech that says: “Arabism is our religion”, and Saudi Arabia is our enemy.

Ghassan Kanafani, Nizar Qabbani and Ahmed Matar wrote insulting poems against the Bedouins of the Gulf, glorified by their ugliness and liberated from literature and values ​​in their opponents. I would like Kanafani to see his students standing under the windows of the French embassy in Beirut reciting love poems for the French occupier and kissing President Macron’s feet in order to restore the mandate to their country. Ghassan, where are you?

It was not easy to resist this massive anti-colonial drift that seeks freedom and to get rid of the consequences of the occupation, but unfortunately he directed his opponents and accusations to the emerging Saudi Arabia, which had nothing to do with them except that God blew the oil under the feet of its people, so they envied and envied them.

Today, it is as if the Arab mood has changed and has become “a Persian Arab.” Arabist Turkey. Leftist Arab. A democratic Arabist – attributed to the American party – ». Defending Tehran’s occupation of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen has become halal, and Turkey has transformed from an occupied Ottoman state to a country to which cities and towns marry as if they are brides and is the groom. Their morals.

Qatar, which has not completed half a century after the British occupier left its lands, then received its Arab identity and honor to Ankara, and the Arabs of Libya, whose ancestors fought the Italian and Ottoman occupiers, are fighting their own countrymen who resist the Turkish occupier and even provide under his feet the money treasures of the land that God gave them.

The Arabs of the North and the rest of the Arabs of Al-Amsaar who exhausted us with nationalism and the defense of the Arab space. And Arab interests. And Arab blood, today they have become the spearhead in the project of marketing the new “Ottoman Crusader” occupation, which is opposed to Saudi Arabia and which plans to dismantle it or turn it into a failed state.

The lie of pan-Arabism has turned into mere chairs, tables, books and old poems recited by the failed militants in the cafes of Doha, Istanbul, Beirut, Gaza and Ramallah, and they have replaced Arab nationalism with Turkish and Iranian nationalism, and the defense of Arab blood has retreated to the adoration of the Persian and Mongolian race.

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