On the second anniversary of Khashoggi’s assassination … Biden pledges to...

On the second anniversary of Khashoggi’s assassination … Biden pledges to...
On the second anniversary of Khashoggi’s assassination … Biden pledges to...
Joe Biden, the Democratic Party’s candidate for the US presidential elections, said that the assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi would not be in vain, and he pledged – if he wins – to assess his country’s relations with Saudi Arabia, while the fate of Khashoggi’s body remains unknown, on the second anniversary of his death.

Biden made clear that he would seek to end US support for the Riyadh war in Yemen, stressing the priority of the United States ’commitment to democratic values ​​and human rights, even with the closest security partners.

He also pledged to defend the right of activists, political opponents and journalists around the world to express their views freely without fear of persecution and violence.

The second anniversary of the assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi – who was killed in his country’s consulate in Istanbul on October 2, 2018 – passes without definitively disclosing the fate of his body.

Turkish investigations indicated that it was cut inside the consulate, and it is likely that it was disposed of at the home of Saudi Consul Muhammad Al-Otaibi.

Earlier, the Turkish public prosecutor charged a number of Saudi citizens with premeditated murder, headed by the former advisor in the royal court, Saud Al-Qahtani, and Major General Ahmed Asiri, deputy head of intelligence.

Arab and foreign journalists commemorated the second anniversary of Khashoggi’s assassination, and a group of activists and journalists participated in an event organized by the House of Arab Journalists in Turkey, in addition to a number of human rights and journalistic institutions, led by “Reporters Without Borders” and Amnesty International.

Jamal Khashoggi’s friends delivered speeches during the event to commemorate his assassination, demanding justice against the perpetrators of this crime.

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