Hong Kong offers HK$1m bounties on five overseas activists

Hong Kong offers HK$1m bounties on five overseas activists
Hong Kong offers HK$1m bounties on five overseas activists

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Hind Al Soulia - Riyadh - HONG KONG — Police in Hong Kong have offered rewards of HK$1m (£100,400; $128,000) for information leading to the arrests of five pro-democracy activists.

They include Simon Cheng, a former UK consulate employee detained in 2019 in a high-profile case.

The others are Frances Hui, Joey Siu, Johnny Fok and Tony Choi. All are accused of violating the harsh National Security Law.

The move was condemned by the US and UK where several of the activists reside.

The five individuals have been accused of various offences including "inciting secession" and "colluding with foreign forces" to endanger national security.

"They sold their country and Hong Kong, and neglected Hongkongers' interests," National Security Department Chief Superintendent Li Kwai-wah said at a press conference. "The National Security Department will pursue them until the end."

UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron has called the move "a threat to our democracy and fundamental human rights".

Meanwhile US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said "advocates for democracy and freedom will continue to enjoy their constitutionally guaranteed freedoms" in the US.

In July, Hong Kong announced similar bounties for eight other activists, sparking international criticism.

None of them have been arrested, though others accused of supporting them have been detained. — BBC

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