The charm of Kim Seon Ho / Kim Sun Ho It has not gone unnoticed in the drama Start-up. With his investor persona Han Ji Pyung and mentor at the Sandbox startup incubator, viewers have begun to experience the ‘second-lead’ syndrome for the future of the protagonist, Seo Dal Mi.
With his fame on the rise, netizens recalled some curious facts about the 34-year-old interpreter. In a video from 2018, after his participation in the historical drama 100 days my prince, Kim Seon Ho solved some questions for the YouTube channel News Ade.
Among them, he explained that his favorite food is tteoboki and that he had a habit of talking in his sleep. “My mom was scared sometimes when I was little,” he said.
There was no shortage of the question about the ideal type of people you would like to surround yourself with. This was the most commented on in social networks. On this, the actor highlighted the sense of humor. “I like people who laugh even at my silly jokes,” he quickly remarked.
Unlike the reserved personality of Han Ji Pyung en Start UpKim Seon Ho has a particular charisma that comes out on his variety shows (he’s been participating in 2 days 1 night since 2019).
Also, Kim Seon Ho shared that in his relationships the environment should be comfortable with his partner, as if they were friends. For this reason, he did not like to force his chemistry with someone and added that communication was very important to him. “When the sense of humor did not agree between both, it was a catastrophe”, it remembered of its experience for Insight.
Kim Seon Ho, who began his acting career in 2009, made the leap to television in 2017 with the drama Good manager. As mentioned before, he now shows off his talents alongside Suzy and Nam Joo Hyuk in the startup drama Start-up that releases new episodes every Saturday and Sunday on Netflix.
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