Trump Realizing His Prophecy: Me or Chaos!

Trump Realizing His Prophecy: Me or Chaos!
Trump Realizing His Prophecy: Me or Chaos!
Donald is closer than ever to believing the fact that victory may not be his ally this time. He is now dealing with elections that could not make him a president for a second term, as a plot hatched to overthrow him. The US President’s refusal to accept the possibility of losing to his rival Joe Biden in the second day of waiting for the outcome prompted him to launch a judicial battle, supported by armed moves by his supporters, to put an end to “fraud” and to stop the counting of “illegal” votes in key states that would decide the fate of the race. A race The preliminary results show that Biden is still the favorite to lead, as he approaches the threshold of the 270 electoral votes needed to be declared president. An announcement – if it happened – would open the door to a crisis that the United States has never seen before, especially since Trump seems intent on proving his prophecy: Me or chaos!
Stop counting
Donald Trump still sees his chance to win a second term. His skepticism about the integrity of the electoral process and the continued counting of votes sent by mail in a number of states, and the possibility that most of them will be in the interest of his rival, Joe Biden, push him to demand a halt to the count, and to declare him president. The outgoing US President is struggling to limit the count to the ballot papers received on the third of this month, believing that counting them – alone – would enhance his chances. However, the screening and the entire electoral process are considered an exclusive right of local government in the American states, which hinders the president’s interference except in one case: the declaration of a state of emergency in one of them (this is not possible unless it is accompanied by a request from the state governor himself). One way out remains for Trump, which is to take the battle to court, as he promised two days ago, and before that, when he envisioned the 2020 presidencies reaching the threshold of the Supreme Court.
Indeed, the US President threatened to file more judicial appeals against the election results in a number of states, alleging fraud in states won by his Democratic opponent. His campaign called for a re-counting of votes in Wisconsin, and lawsuits were filed to stop the count in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Nevada, and it also asked the judiciary in Georgia to issue an order to separate late-arrival ballots and secure them so that they would not be counted (Georgia and Michigan dropped the cases due to insufficient evidence). However, the complaints filed by Trump’s campaign target a specific aspect of the 2020 elections, related to millions of voters casting their ballots by mail, which requires more time for the vote count. In the same context, The New York Times quoted sources it described as well-informed as saying that the US Department of Justice has informed prosecutors that the law allows them to send armed federal officers to polling stations to investigate possible fraud in the elections. The newspaper added, citing former officials, that the Justice Ministry letter raised concerns about possible government interference in the local elections or in the vote count.

In parallel to the launching of a court battle, actions by Trump supporters began in a number of American cities

Going to court does not seem like a good idea for Trump, even if he wants to go to the Supreme Court. Time is not in his favor, and he is aware that the court has a long way, and that there is something constant in this process: If any of his lawsuits are accepted and litigation continues until January 20, 2021, then the legal period of his first presidential term has ended, what It means that he will be forced to leave his post, unless his election is confirmed again. Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, will run America until the end of litigation and the president’s name is determined. As for the legal process, it is also complicated. It starts from the small federal court in a particular state, and if the ruling does not come in the plaintiff’s interest, the latter proceeds to the Court of Appeal, and then to the Supreme Court in the state, before moving, in the final stage, to the Supreme Court in Washington, which can also reject The request if she wants to show her “neutrality”. Nevertheless, Trump’s behavior raises a fear that the outcome will eventually be settled, as it did in 2000, with a Supreme Court ruling specifying the way states will be counted. That year, the presidential elections in which Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore contested one state, Florida. With just 537 votes in favor of Bush, as well as problems with the state’s ballot papers, the Al Gore campaign demanded a new vote count for the entire state. The Bush campaign appealed the request to the Supreme Court, which ruled not to recount and awarded the Florida victory and the election victory to Bush.

Biden leads
The Democratic candidate has no choice but to win in one or two of the remaining major states to become the forty-sixth president of the United States. As of yesterday morning, he now has the support of 253 or 264 major voters if Arizona (11 votes) is counted. The Associated Press and Fox News reported that he won it, but other media outlets still doubt the final result of this state due to the number of votes that must be counted and the intensification of competition in the past hours. After winning two confirmed victories in Michigan and Wisconsin, Biden no longer needs only six or 17 of the major voters to obtain the 270 necessary votes, which he may obtain in Nevada (6), Georgia (16) or Pennsylvania (20). On the other hand, Trump benefits in Arizona from the votes that are counted in succession, as the difference between him and his opponent shrinks, and the Democratic candidate may lose the top 11 voters that Fox News and AB have counted in his favor on the basis of partial results and statistical models. The lead in the race is narrowing in five states, as Biden is slightly ahead in Nevada and Arizona, while Trump watches his previous lead in decisive Pennsylvania and Georgia diminish with the counting of mailed ballots or other forms of absentee voting, while Trump maintains a slight lead in North Carolina.

In parallel to the launching of a court battle, actions by Trump supporters began in a number of American cities. As tensions escalated, they demonstrated in Philadelphia / Pennsylvania, calling for the vote counting to stop. Yesterday night, about 200 of his supporters – some of them armed with rifles and pistols – gathered in front of a polling station in Phoenix / Arizona after rumors circulated that the Republican president had not counted votes, chanting the words “Count the votes!” And “Shame on Fox Channel.” But in states where Biden led, such as Michigan, his supporters chanted, “Stop the polls!” Around this time, people close to the US President launched a campaign on social media seeking to convince Trump’s base that there is massive fraud taking place, especially in states like Pennsylvania that are governed by Democrats. Police arrested 11 people and confiscated weapons in Portland / Oregon after reports of riots, and arrests also occurred in New York, Denver and Minneapolis.
These elections showed that the current that emerged around the outgoing president is larger and more solid than previously thought, and will continue after the elections, regardless of their outcome. And if the president’s electoral base has been shrunk in particular to one segment, the majority of which are old rural white men, Trump will collect, at the minimum, according to expectations, the third largest number of votes in the history of the US presidential election, after his opponent Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama (2008).

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