Live US Election Updates: All Eyes On Georgia As Nevada Holds...

Live US Election Updates: All Eyes On Georgia As Nevada Holds...
Live US Election Updates: All Eyes On Georgia As Nevada Holds...

An unprecedented one 103.2 million people cast their ballots early in this year’s presidential election.

That represents 74.3 percent of the turnout in the 2016 elections.

Remember, Americans don’t have to choose like here in Australia.

A tally by The Associated Press shows that early voting in several states, including hotly contested Texas (won by ) and Arizona (won by Biden), surpassed the overall vote four years ago.

Im Kentucky, nearly 13 times as many voters cast their ballots earlier this year than 2016.

The same trend was noted in Florida, North Carolina und Georgia.

Also according to the Associated Press vote, former vice president Joe Biden received more votes than Barack Obama in 2008, breaking the record for the highest number of votes a US presidential candidate has ever received.

From 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday (local time), Mr. Biden had received 69,544,968 votes nationwide.

Obama ended the 2008 election with 69,498,516.

Meanwhile, President Trump had 67,120,277 votes on Wednesday morningand surpassed the 62,984,828 votes he received in taking the presidency in 2016.

Mr Biden only said a few hours ago:

“Even in the face of a pandemic, more Americans voted this year than ever before in American history.

“Over 150 million people cast their votes.

“I think that’s just extraordinary.”

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