Netanyahu’s concealment and false denials “: The countries that will take...

did not want Netanyahu to respond to the F-35: “The process is progressing”

(Photo: Reuters)

The benefits and disadvantages of peace agreements with Arab countries: Defense Minister Bnei Gantz’s choice to accuse the prime minister last night (Friday) of hiding peace agreements with Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates did not surprise the IDF, which is barred from the important change that has security implications for Israel. According to security sources, the concealment hurt what the IDF could achieve From the US if negotiations had begun in the early stages of concluding agreements.

Benjamin Netanyahu Bnei GantzBenjamin Netanyahu Bnei Gantz

“The prime minister has once again concealed a significant security decision.” Netanyahu, Ganz and the F35

(Photo: shutterstock, Avi Mualem Olivier Fitoussi, Flash 90)

Benny Ganz's meeting with US Secretary of Defense Mark Asper at the PentagonBenny Ganz's meeting with US Secretary of Defense Mark Asper at the Pentagon

“The IDF could have received more.” Ganz and the Secretary of Defense will tell

(Photo: Shmulik Almani)

after the Exposure of Yedioth Ahronoth On the future sale of American vapor planes to the Gulf state that signed a peace agreement with Israel, Netanyahu tweeted that “Yedioth Ahronoth published a complete Pike News today,” adding the Prime Minister’s Office’s response from that day that “the historic peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates Israel agrees to some arms deal between the United States and the United Arab Emirates. In the New York Times Said a few days Afterwards, sources involved in the contacts between Jerusalem and Abu Dhabi said that “Netanyahu lied“He was in the secret of the sale.”

The Defense Minister’s Office recalled yesterday that “after the signing of the peace agreement with the Emirates, it was revealed to the Defense Minister that negotiations for the sale of advanced weapons were taking place, which was known to Israeli officials involved in the negotiations – but was hidden from the defense establishment.”

Amos YadlinAmos Yadlin

“The serious issue is not the weapons to the Emirates, but the concealment.” Yadlin

(Photo: Moti Kimhi )

The head of the Institute for National Security Studies, who previously served as head of the Security Service, Amos Yadlin, said last night that “the serious issue is not the advanced weapon for a distant, moderate country and our camp with Iran – but, as a recurring pattern, false denials by the prime minister.” Because of the senior Israeli government ministers and the defense establishment. “

In the past month, in a sort of race against the clock, there have been feverish contacts with the Americans in an attempt to milk compensation in the form of receiving advanced and faster weapons, but they took place after the fact – while Israel depends on the American readiness that sets the bottom line. GodAn agreement signed last night Defense Secretary Gantz and his colleague Mark Asper in Washington stated that the United States would work “to preserve Israel’s qualitative advantage in the Middle East,” but a senior security official admitted last night that “Israel did not receive from the United States everything it asked for in the post-negotiations.” “.

Security officials said last night that “it is problematic to reach political agreements with security implications without involving security professionals in advance.” According to the defense system, if Netanyahu had not hidden from the chief of staff and the commander of the Air Force the behind-the-scenes peace agreements, the IDF and the Air Force could have achieved much more means and strategic capabilities from the US, and especially planned the upcoming multi-year plans effectively. In fact, Gantz has been working for the past month to minimize damage, or at least balance the intensification changes in the region.


Sudan is not expected to request advanced weapons from the United States. Al-Burhan

(Photo: Reuters)

It is estimated that Sudan, unlike the Emirates, will not require advanced weapons from the United States as part of the agreement with Israel due to its precarious economic situation, but those next in line may certainly accept it. Qatar and Saudi Arabia may be the next countries to declare agreements with Israel. UAE to arm their armies with elusive.

The current understanding with the US is that if this does happen, Doha and Riyadh will also receive advanced aircraft, but relatively inferior models. There are now two obstacles to normalization with Saudi Arabia and Qatar: – And Doha has a warm axis with Turkey, which is considered Israel’s rival.

According to the sources, “one way or another, the IDF earned a little more in the end than it was supposed to receive – mainly in light of the fact that the implementation of the US aid agreement, which began in 2018, has been stuck for the past two years due to political crises in Israel. This political fluctuation has released some of the procurement projects that will strengthen the Air Force. “

Trump in the Oval OfficeTrump in the Oval Office

“The sale of the F-35 to the Emirates is progressing rapidly.” Trump

(Photo: gettyimages)

The Prime Minister’s Office said yesterday in response to Gantz’s claims: “There is nothing new in the fact that the Emirates have been requesting the F-35 for years, but there was no stipulation that Israel would agree to it as a condition for signing the peace agreement. Only in the last month between the Ministry of Defense delegation and the Pentagon, and only after the signing of the peace agreement. “

US President Donald Trump spoke to White House reporters yesterday while Netanyahu was on the phone – and was asked if he wanted to allow the prime minister to address the issue of selling the F-35 to the Emirates. Trump declined, but said that “I think the process is progressing, predicting a good process. We have an excellent and long-term relationship with the Emirates, they have always been by our side, and this process is progressing rapidly.”

Prior to the exchange of accusations, the two issued a joint statement stating that “upon the return of the Israeli Minister of Defense, he and the Prime Minister discussed the agreement signed to ensure Israel’s qualitative military advantage between Gantz and US Secretary of Defense Mark Asper. “It was reached after a lengthy dialogue between the Department of Defense and the Pentagon that began after the Secretary of Defense’s previous visit to Washington a month ago.”

Bahrain Foreign Minister: 'Abd al-Latif al-Ziani UAE Foreign Minister: Abdullah Ben Zayed Donald Trump Benjamin Netanyahu Signing the peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates in the White HouseBahrain Foreign Minister: 'Abd al-Latif al-Ziani UAE Foreign Minister: Abdullah Ben Zayed Donald Trump Benjamin Netanyahu Signing the peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates in the White House

Signing of agreements in the White House

(Photo: Avi Ohayon, GPO)

“The Secretary of Defense stressed that the understandings reached with the United States will enable long-term procurement plans that will provide advanced weapons systems to Israel, significantly upgrade its military capabilities, fortify Israel’s security and regional military superiority, and preserve its qualitative military advantage for decades to come.”

“During the visit,” the administration said, “US administration officials informed the Secretary of Defense that the US administration plans to notify Congress in the near future of its intention to supply certain weapons systems to the UAE. The prime minister and defense minister agreed. The quality – Israel will not oppose the sale of these systems to the United Arab Emirates. “

The Prime Minister’s Office also said that “the new understandings were not part of the peace agreement with the UAE and the discussion in them began only a month ago with the Secretary of Defense’s visit to Washington, after the signing of the peace agreement, and ended only yesterday.”

It was further argued that “after a close examination by professionals in the Ministry of Defense it was decided that Israel has no objection to the supply of certain weapons systems to the UAE, as enshrined in an agreement with the US that upgrades Israel’s military advantage and guarantees its military superiority in the Middle East.”

According to the Gantz Bureau, “The Minister of Defense considers achieving peace and regional stability to be of paramount strategic value, and therefore from the moment the agreement was signed he led a determined and independent action with the US administration to ensure the agreement while maintaining Israel’s security, maintaining its qualitative advantage and strengthening the IDF.” For the next decades. “

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