What is the Chinese president’s city to observe? How can...

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Chinese President

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Chinese President Xi Jinping praises Shenzhen as a model the rest of the nation aspires to

We start with The Times and an article written by Didi Tang, Beijing correspondent, “titled” From (Shenzhen) President Xi Jinping’s Espionage City. ”

If the past was a foreign country, then the future of the Chinese Communist Party is Shenzhen. President Xi hailed it during his visit this week as a model the rest of the nation aspires to. A city that was a quiet fishing village just two generations ago has now become a high-tech city. She won her edge over her annoying neighbor, Hong Kong. “

At the heart of her success, the author points to several Chinese giants that pose a threat to the entrenched system of Western technological superiority. Even if the design of Huawei’s headquarters was inspired by classic European architecture, its interior technology is so advanced that it has become a concern across America and Europe.

Huawei helped, according to the article, to transform this southern region on the banks of the Pearl River into a global center for innovation and entrepreneurship, a “Silicon Valley” from which Beijing leads the world.

“Huawei has greater ambitions to develop city life, which is to the liking of Xi, who said this week,” We must consistently implement the innovation-driven development strategy to build heights of technological and industrial innovation with a global impact. “

The high-tech industries represent one-third of the city’s economy, according to the author, and there are more than 70,000 technology companies in it, and its local stock exchange is the eighth largest in the world in terms of the total value of the companies listed in it, more than those listed in Germany.

The city is also home to DJI, which accounts for 70% of the global consumer drone market, in addition to Tencent, the world’s largest video game producer, whose contacts with Huawei and the Chinese government have raised security concerns that lie at the core of the global competition. American and Chinese.

The writer points out that critics say Huawei devices can intercept data and messages, and it is obligated under Chinese law to hand over any information it collects if Beijing wants to see it. They also say that Chinas drive towards technological superiority is allowing the state to indulge in digital authoritarianism, allowing technology giants in Shenzhen to conduct widespread surveillance and search massive amounts of personal data.

The author goes on to say that Shenzhen was the first Chinese city to use facial recognition technology in the streets, equipped with high-resolution cameras and fast computing, and it was reportedly linked to the citizens’ “social credit system”, a measure that could restrict access to financial or other services. Of services if it decreased significantly. It was removed after two years.

President Trump and his rival Biden

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President and rival Biden during the first debate of the 2020 presidential race

Returning after the debate is not impossible

And to the Daily Telegraph newspaper and an analytical article written by Alex Clark and Dominic Gilbert entitled “How Donald Trump can win the US elections in 2020.”

The article explains that the first reading of the poll data was grim for Donald Trump ahead of the first presidential debate of 2020. Poll after poll showed, not just in the past few days but in the past weeks and months, that the president is lagging behind Democratic challenger Joe Biden nationally.

But a return after the debate is not impossible, the article shows, as Barack Obama retreated in his first debate in 2008 against his Republican rival John McCain, but returned to progress after his strong performance, while Al Gore’s performance in the first election debate of 2000 helped George W. Bush to change I carried it.

Moreover, the article asserts, if Trump manages to stick to his electoral base and avoid losing the polls further, his re-election is still within his reach. The unique voting system in the United States also means that positive progress in opinion polls or even victory in the popular vote at the national level does not necessarily translate into reaching the White House, as happened with Hillary Clinton in 2016.

The article ends by saying that the main events of the campaign, such as the president’s infection with the Corona virus and recovering from it, have the potential to turn the balance, and that if Trump has any chance to secure a second term, it is of utmost importance that he maintains his electoral base from 2016 and builds on it.

Palestinian demonstrator

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A Palestinian demonstrator during clashes with Israeli soldiers in a weekly demonstration against settlement in the village of Kafr Qaddum in the West Bank

Peace agreement rejected by the Palestinians

We conclude with a report from the Financial Times correspondent in Jaffa, Mihul Srivastava, entitled “Israel’s settlement plans spur blame for Europe and the silence of the Emirates.”

Srivastava says that five European countries have openly criticized Israel’s plans to build new homes for settlers in the West Bank after only weeks of “historic” normalization between two Gulf states and the Jewish state, which was expected to slow the expansion of the occupied territories.

Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain have all expressed their “grave concern” about Israel’s decision to approve the construction of nearly 5,000 new housing units, which contradicts the Abraham Agreements, which the UAE described as a way to limit the territorial acquisition of Israeli leaders.

The writer indicates that this announcement raises the number of housing units to more than 12,000 units, the highest number since US President Donald Trump took office in 2016. While the United Arab Emirates remains silent about it, and Bahrain refuses to comment.

Emirati leaders had earlier indicated, according to the report, that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had postponed his plans to annex about 60 percent of the West Bank to Israel’s borders as evidence of the influence the deal gave them over Israeli measures toward the Palestinians.

But Diana Bhutto, a lawyer who worked in previous negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, says, “This only proves the complete fallacy that this normalization agreement will somehow stop the Israeli annexation or work, the building of settlements, the destruction of Palestinian homes, and the theft of Palestinian lands. Is that normalization with Israel gives it the green light to do what it wants. ”

These annexation plans, the writer affirms, are part of a peace agreement sponsored by the United States, but the Palestinians reject it. As the United States, during the Trump presidency, significantly changed its policy on settlements and the rights of Palestinian refugees, it moved its embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing it as the capital of Israel.

The report concludes with a comment by Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh earlier this week in a meeting with European lawmakers, in which he said, “If we are going to live another four years with President Trump, God will help us, help you, and help the whole world.”

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