Portugal declares State of Calamity as a result of the increase...

The Portuguese government decreed the increase of restrictions, with the implementation of eight measures and highlighted that Covid-19 has had a “serious evolution” in the country edit

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247 – The Council of Ministers of Portugal decreed a State of Public Calamity in the country because of the increase in the number of coronavirus cases. The Portuguese government decreed the increase of restrictions, with the implementation of eight measures and pointed out that Covid-19 has had a “serious evolution” in the country, according to the website País ao Minuto.

According to the new measures, there will be a limit of five people for groupings on the streets will be limited to five people and 50 for events of a family nature, such as weddings and baptisms. University parties and receptions are prohibited.

The fines will be increased by “up to 10,000 euros” for companies that do not comply with the rules in force.

The use of a mask in public spaces will be “strongly recommended to all citizens” and also the use of StayAway Covid, an application with official government information about the disease.

Portugal has 91,100 cases of coronavirus and 2,100 deaths.

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