This Harry Styles pancake will brighten your day

Harry Styles fans! Are you ready to fall in love with a pancake? Because someone made a pancake who looks exactly like Harry himself, who wears red heart sunglasses and is lying in the sand during his music video “Watermelon Sugar”, and it will surely brighten your day.

From TikTok Account @Drdancake specializes in pancake art and is responsible for the creation of the beautiful Harry Styles pancake. In the video you can see how much painstaking work went into making the pancake. It features a flawless shade that defines Harry’s luscious curls, facial hair, and expression. It even includes his super colorful shirt and trendy rings. It really is fast as perfect as he is.

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This pancake needs to be preserved and, as I may say, displayed in the Louvre. Just a thought! People who have commented on the TikTok agree. Many wrote that they would never eat it. If I couldn’t preserve it, I would definitely eat it. But the feeling of wanting to keep it would be there! Plus a photo of it would be enough, I think. However, one commenter suggested covering the pancake with resin. If that worked it would be fun to use as a coaster, cheese plate, or decor. But alas, who knows?

Now I would love to see someone carve Harry Styles’ head out of a watermelon. And when that’s done, can someone kindly point it out to me? Seems like it should be a thing. Please and thank you!

Kelly Allen
Kelly Allen is the Editorial Assistant at Delish & House Beautiful, where she covers a wide range of news including food, lifestyle and travel.

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