ExoMars-2022 landing parachute tests on Mars ends by 2021

ExoMars-2022 landing parachute tests on Mars ends by 2021
ExoMars-2022 landing parachute tests on Mars ends by 2021
Rene Bichel, the representative of the European Space Agency in Russia, announced that the recent tests of the parachutes for the Mars landing station for the Russian-European mission ExoMars-2022 will end in 2021. In Sweden in May 2021, based on the results of the tests that will be held this November in the United States.

According to RT, the ExoMars-2022 station is scheduled to be launched to Mars on September 20, 2022, using the Russian “Proton-M” transport missile with the “Breez-M” acceleration unit from Baikonur Aerospace Airport. It is expected to land on Mars on June 10, 2023.

On the other hand, it has been announced that SpaceX’s next-generation Starship system will help clean Earth’s orbit while the vehicle is not making trips to the moon and Mars.

The Starship is the basis for the Martian colonization goal of Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, saying that if all goes according to plan, many of the Starship’s missions will include launching people to distant cosmic places and on high-speed, point-to-point flights, portable satellites into orbit, and possibly collecting And remove especially large breakdown vehicles and annoying bits of space waste.

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