Star Citizen’s Squadron 42 campaign will not be released in 2020,...

Star Citizen’s Squadron 42 campaign will not be released in 2020,...
Star Citizen’s Squadron 42 campaign will not be released in 2020,...
Star Citizen, Squadron 42’s single player campaign will not start in 2020. Chris Roberts, head of Cloud Imperium Games, said in a blog post that the game will “when it’s done” and not be ready in 2020.

“I know everyone wants a final date for Squadron 42 to be completed, but the best answer I can give you is that it will be ready when it is done, and it won’t be this year “, he said.

While there is no release date yet, Cloud Imperium has released a new YouTube series called The Briefing Room that promises to provide updates on the ongoing development of Squadron 42. Additionally, beginning in December, the studio will be releasing more details on development progress, with “much more detailed visual insights into what we’ve done and features and content that we can share without spoilers.”

“I want Squadron 42 to be completed and played by all of you more than anyone,” said Roberts. “I can tell you that the team is in ‘close-out’ mode and we are actively trying to burn down our remaining tasks and focus on polishing the gameplay. It will be a game that is worth the wait and that the team and I and you, the community that supported its creation, will be proud of it. ”

Roberts has high hopes for Squadron 42 and wants it to be “the culmination of the single-player story-space adventure.”

“Much like Star Citizen, at Squadron 42 I always dreamed of immersing myself in a compelling story in which I was the star of my own huge space epic,” said Roberts. “When I built the Wing Commander series, there were always technical limitations, so I had to choose my battles. But with Squadron 42, I can finally immerse you, the gamer, in your own adventure to keep up with any big budget movie.Maybe on the big screen, see, interact, and make relationships with characters played by some of your favorite actors and navigate through battles and set pieces that would make any Star Wars movie proud. ”

Squadron 42 has a long list of very famous actors including Gary Oldman, Mark Hamill, John Rhys-Davies, Gillian Anderson, Andy Serkis, Ben Mendelsohn, Liam Cunningham, and Mark Strong.

Roberts went on to say that the lengthy nature of Squadron 42’s development was a direct result of the expanded scope and ambitions of the project.

“I could have stuck with the original, much simpler game proposed in 2012, but as the scope for Star Citizen increased, I felt I had to develop a single player game to meet Star Citizen’s multiplayer ambitions to become, ”he said. “With the amount of love and effort that has gone into Squadron 42, we won’t be releasing it until it’s completely polished, plays great, and offers an emotional wallop.”

This is a notable difference from Star Citizen, which was released in chunks that come out roughly every three months.

The entire Star Citizen project has raised more than $ 300 million in funding. Five studios and more than 640 people are currently working on the project worldwide.

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