To whom is Palestine aligned? – Saudi news

To whom is Palestine aligned? – Saudi news
To whom is Palestine aligned? – Saudi news

In 2018, after President announced the official transfer of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a decision approved by Congress from 1998, King Salman bin Abdulaziz decided to name the Arab summit that was held in Dhahran, the Jerusalem Summit.This decision clearly showed that Saudi Arabia, with its distinguished relationship with President Trump’s administration, is exercising its independence and identical to its fixed positions throughout history, and belief in the Palestinians’ right to a state on the borders of 67, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

This consistent position was expressed by the initiative of King Fahd when he was crown prince in Fez in 1981, as well as the initiative of King Abdullah at the 2002 Beirut Summit, which turned into an Arab initiative.

Recent years have witnessed more support from the Kingdom for UNRWA (the Relief and Works Agency for Refugees in the Near East), after waves of declining American support for organizations supporting the Palestinians to create economic pressure, but Saudi Arabia did not allow this to push towards a Palestinian decision that is not subject to economic pressure.

Today, with the UAE and Bahrain signing peace agreements with Israel, and other countries approaching the same path, confusion appears among the Palestinian leaderships, as many have bet on the continuation of the crisis so that the benefit will continue, and the lost opportunities for peace always come less than its predecessor, and this is a well-established lesson in history.

Some Palestinian leaders were addicted to the wrong choices, from Al-Husseini’s bet on Hitler in the thirties, passing through Yasser Arafat’s bet on Saddam Hussein, despite what Kuwait offered him, and up to the betting of some today on Khamenei or Erdogan.

Today, Palestinian leaderships have a choice between political realism, even if it is not populist, and political slogans that do not get fat or rich from hunger, such as what is happening in front of them in Lebanon from the direction of resistance to demarcating the borders with Israel in Naqoura, and submissiveness in the face of all the bombing that the party members have been subjected to in The Syrian territories, then rise the next day to repeat the same resistance rhetoric, which everyone resisted except Israel.

The choice of going with Turkish and Iranian bets today will nibble the remaining balance of the Palestinian leaderships into the hearts of the Gulf people, because the popular mood today is completely different, and awareness far from slogans is the title of the stage, just as Iran today is the one who provides the Houthis with missiles to kill the Yemeni people and threaten the kingdom and navigation The Navy also, as it is the country that allowed the departure of Yemeni Jews from Saada, at the request of Israel, via a Qatar Airways plane that stopped in Doha, before continuing the journey to Tal Abyad.

Turkey is also the first supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, and all the Arab Spring projects, and the conversion of several Arab countries into failed states, and it is the one that sought to plant military bases around the Gulf from Sudan to Qatar and Somalia, and it has the most active air line with Tel Aviv, and which apologized after the Antaret ship Marmara, and the Turkish Parliament recognized that no Israeli party may be tried in exchange for material compensation for the Turkish dead.

At a time when we all wear masks to prevent the Corona pandemic, it becomes clear to us that it is necessary to wear a protective mask from slogans and from trading the issue. The Gulfis do not have to present whatever their interests and national security are, and they do not have to talk about what they have provided to Palestine throughout history, because they have presented it to the people Palestinian and his just cause, regardless of his leaders.

Saudi writer

Twitter: @aAltrairi

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