China calls for no expansion of the battlefield in Ukraine, reaffirms support for Palestinian statehood at UN meeting

China calls for no expansion of the battlefield in Ukraine, reaffirms support for Palestinian statehood at UN meeting
China calls for no expansion of the battlefield in Ukraine, reaffirms support for Palestinian statehood at UN meeting

We show you our most important and recent visitors news details China calls for no expansion of the battlefield in Ukraine, reaffirms support for Palestinian statehood at UN meeting in the following article

Hind Al Soulia - Riyadh - NEW YORK — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi urged global leaders to prevent the expansion of the battlefield in Russia's war with Ukraine and reiterated Beijing’s support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“The top priority is to commit to no expansion of the battlefield. China is committed to playing a constructive role,” Wang said during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly on Saturday, while cautioning against “throwing oil on the fire or exploiting the situation for selfish gains,” a pointed reference to the United States.

Wang’s remarks came as part of China’s broader stance of advocating for a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine conflict and maintaining global stability. Although Chinese President Xi Jinping has not attended the UN General Assembly in person since 2021, Wang’s speech reinforced China’s diplomatic position on key international issues.

Turning to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Wang declared that “the question of Palestine is the biggest wound in human conscience.” He reaffirmed China’s support for the establishment of a Palestinian state and called for its full membership in the United Nations, reiterating that a two-state solution is “the fundamental way out” of the long-standing conflict. While Wang did not specifically mention Israel by name, his remarks came amid growing tensions in the Middle East, particularly in Gaza and Lebanon.

Wang Yi concluded his speech by emphasizing China’s stance on human rights, asserting that "no country should infringe on another’s internal affairs in the name of human rights" and maintaining that China has found its own path that suits its national conditions. — Agencies

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