Nationwide doctors' strike in Bangladesh paralyzes healthcare system

Nationwide doctors' strike in Bangladesh paralyzes healthcare system
Nationwide doctors' strike in Bangladesh paralyzes healthcare system

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Hind Al Soulia - Riyadh - DHAKA — Doctors across Bangladesh launched an indefinite nationwide strike on Sunday, severely disrupting the healthcare system and leaving countless patients without medical care.

The strike was triggered by an incident at Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH), where the emergency department was vandalized by relatives and friends of a student protester who succumbed to his injuries sustained during demonstrations against the Hasina regime.

The protesters accused the attending doctors of negligence, prompting DMCH physicians to suspend emergency services and demand justice.

The strike quickly escalated into a nationwide movement as doctors called for the arrest of those responsible for the attack, improved safety measures, restricted access to hospital premises, and proper channels for addressing any allegations of medical negligence.

Dr. Abdul Ahad of DMCH’s Neurosurgery Ward announced the strike, emphasizing that the shutdown would continue until their demands were met. The strike has left many patients in distress, with those unable to afford private care facing significant challenges.

Protesting doctors have warned that any deaths resulting from the lack of treatment during the strike should be blamed on the administration’s failure to address their concerns and ensure a safe working environment for medical professionals. — Agencies

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