Who is Ludovic B., the young father who confessed to the...

He will be presented to the judges and probably indicted at the end of his police custody this Thursday. Ludovic B., arrested by GIGN and then placed in police custody, confessed on Wednesday the kidnapping, kidnapping and murder of Victorine Dartois, the 18-year-old student whose body was found in a stream in Villefontaine in Isère . According to several testimonies, he would have even participated in the white march in memory of Victorine.

The 25-year-old, a dad for a few months, was married and lived in the same neighborhood as his victim, but did not know her. According to Le Dauphiné Libéré, Ludovic B. was working as a delivery driver after having failed in a business of auto parts trading that he had launched as a self-employed person.

He was known to the courts for petty crimes related to drug trafficking and consumption, reports Le Parisien. Ludovic B. was a “local petty offender”, summarizes the daily. A “normal boy” which had “not badly changed due to its consumption”, including cocaine, confides acquaintances of the suspect. According to a relative, he had a relationship “tumultuous” with his wife and in-laws. “There were often shouts at his house. We could hear cries “, confided one of his neighbors, still at Parisian. France Info reports that his partner and their infant have already moved from their home.

A DNA analysis is underway to compare with that which had been found on the body of the victim, and to confirm (or not) the words of the man who would have got rid of his clothes and shoes in a container of one of the communes close to Villefontaine after the murder of Victorine.

Source link by https://www.charentelibre.fr/2020/10/15/qui-est-ludovic-b-le-jeune-pere-de-famille-qui-a-avoue-le-meurtre-de-victorine,3659726.php

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