Morocco denounces attack in Nice

Morocco denounces attack in Nice
Morocco denounces attack in Nice
The Kingdom of Morocco also calls for going beyond the deleterious context and the tense climate around religion and invites the different parties to show moderation, wisdom and respect for otherness, the ministry said in a statement.

It should be noted that the knife attack that killed three people on Thursday in a church in Nice aroused disapproval and indignation in the world. Thus, in addition to Morocco, many countries have expressed their solidarity with France.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said “the UK stands alongside France in the fight against terror and intolerance”. Turkey also “strongly” condemned the “savage” attack on Nice, putting aside the strong tensions between Ankara and Paris to express its “solidarity”.

For its part, the Vatican has affirmed that “terrorism and violence can never be accepted”. “It is a moment of pain in a period of confusion,” said Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni, adding that Pope Francis “is praying for the victims and their loved ones”.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed Germany’s “solidarity” with France, saying she was “deeply upset by the cruel murders in a church in Nice”.

Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri expressed his “strongest condemnation and (his) disapproval of the heinous criminal attack”. “All Muslims are called to reject this criminal act which has nothing to do with Islam or the Prophet,” he wrote on Twitter.

At the level of international organizations, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres “strongly condemns (this) odious attack,” his spokesman Stéphane Dujarric said in New York. “He reaffirms the solidarity of the United Nations with the population and the government of France” in this ordeal, he added.

The European Union has displayed its “solidarity” with France and called for union against “those who spread hatred”. “All my solidarity with France (..). All of Europe is with you,” tweeted the President of the European Council, Charles Michel.

The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen for her part affirmed that “the whole of Europe stands in solidarity with France”. “We remain united and determined in the face of barbarism and fanaticism,” she added on Twitter.

European Parliament President David Sassoli called on Europeans to “unite against violence and those who seek to incite and spread hatred”.

(With Agencies)

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